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Now showing items 76-95 of 236
Global migration: Moral, political and mental health challenges
(2023-03-15)Global migration is expected to continue to increase as climate change, conflict and economic disparities continue to challenge peoples' lives. The political response to migration is a social determinant of mental health. ... -
GTRM Ecuador: Impacto cantonal del COVID-19 en refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela 16 Marzo - 10 Mayo, 2020 [ES]
(2020-05)Infografía para comparar los cantones que registran casos confirmados por COVID–19, y las provincias con mayor concentración de población proveniente de Venezuela, a fin de tener una aproximación de impacto del COVID-19 ... -
GTRM Ecuador: Impacto cantonal del COVID-19 en refugiados y migrantes de Venezuela 16 Marzo - 15 Abril, 2020
(2020-04)Infografía para compar los cantones que registran casos confirmados por COVID–19, y las provincias con mayor concentración de población proveniente de Venezuela, a fin de tener una aproximación de impacto del COVID-19 en ... -
Health care access and migration experiences among Venezuelan female sex workers living in the Dominican Republic
(2023-03)To identify sexual risk behaviors and barriers to sexual and reproductive health care (SRH) among Venezuelan female sex workers living in the Dominican Republic. Methods. This was a mixed-methods study using four focus ... -
Health condition, income loss, food insecurity and other social inequities among migrants and refugees during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
(2023-09-05)Brazil is the destination of many international migrants and refugees and, given the circumstances of their entry into the country, many face difficulties due to the absence of targeted policies. Thus, the objective of ... -
Health of refugees and migrants. Practices in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants
(2018)In response to a request, in World Health Assembly Resolution 70.15, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global call for information, including case studies, on current policies and practices and lessons learned ... -
Health of refugees and migrants. Regional situation analysis, practices, experiences, lessons learned and ways forward
(2019)This report discusses current migration trends in the Region, key regional policy frameworks and legal instruments, and health challenges faced by migrants and their host communities, emphasizing the special challenges ... -
Health policies for international migrants: A comparison between Mexico and Colombia
(2020)Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the health policies for international migrants in Mexico and Colombia. -
Health services inequalities affecting the Venezuelan migrant and refugee population in Colombia. How to improve the local response to the humanitarian emergency?
(2020)Between November 2019 and March 2020 Profamilia evaluated the needs, expectations, and inequalities regarding access to health services for Venezuelan migrants and refugees. The research focused on six prioritized cities ... -
Health Through a Human Right Lens at the US-Mexico Border: Increasing Access to Healthcare for Central American Immigrants
(2022-07-12)The number of immigrants seeking entry into the U.S. through asylum requests or through irregular means is increasing, and most come from the Northern Triangle of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Immigrants come fleeing ... -
Healthcare and social needs of international migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America: analysis of the Chilean case
(2022-09-29)International migrants are a particularly vulnerable group in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Immigrants in Chile tend to experience multidimensional poverty and layers of social vulnerability. ... -
Hepatitis A and E among immigrants and refugees in Central Brazil
(2022-04-22)The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) among immigrants and refugees in Goiás, central Brazil. A total of 355 persons were interviewed and blood samples ... -
Identificación de necesidades de protección de la población venezolana. En el territorio colombiano y otros países de acogida
(2019-04)Objetivo: Evaluar las necesidades de protección y de acceso a servicios básicos de la población venezolana en Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Brasil y dentro del territorio venezolano, enfatizando en los sectores de alojamiento, ... -
"If I get sick here, I will never see my children again": The mental health of international migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile
(2022-11-29)A qualitative case study was carried out through individual online interviews to 30 international migrants living in Chile during the pandemic and 10 experts of the social and health care sectors. An inductive content ... -
Imigração e triagem médica para tuberculose
(2023-02-15)Populações vulneráveis, como imigrantes e refugiados, apresentam maior risco de tuberculose doença, especialmente nos primeiros anos após a chegada ao país de acolhimento. A presença de imigrantes e refugiados no Brasil ... -
Imigração, refúgio e saúde: perspectivas de análise sociocultural
(2018)Os recentes processos migratórios internacionais ocorridos no Brasil se apresentam como um campo de estudo para as ciências sociais e humanas em saúde. Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre os processos de inclusão ... -
Immigration, perceived discrimination and mental health: evidence from Venezuelan population living in Peru
(2021-01-07)The association between international migration and mental health is conditioned to several factors, and discrimination may play a significant role. Currently, Peru is one of the principal Venezuelan migrant-receiving ... -
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among migrants in shelters in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico
(2022-03-11)Migrants, especially those in camps and shelters, may be a vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic, but little is known about the impact of the pandemic on them in low- and middle-income countries. We assessed ... -
Impacto da migração venezuelana na rotina de um hospital de referência em Roraima, Brasil
(2020-05)A migração venezuelana é uma problemática da atualidade que se intensificou em Roraima, acarretando demandas nos serviços públicos de saúde. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o impacto da migração na assistência ... -
Impacto del COVID-19 entre las personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas en Perú
(2020-07)Este snapshot busca proporcionar una visión general del impacto de la crisis del COVID-19 para las personas migrantes y refugiadas venezolanas en Perú. Tiene el propósito de contribuir a la construcción de una base sólida ...