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Now showing items 119-138 of 233
Maternal health among Venezuelan women migrants at the border of Brazil
(2020-11-23)Guaranteeing the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of populations living in fragile and humanitarian settings is essential and constitutes a basic human right. Compounded by the inherent vulnerabilities of ... -
Maternidad y salud mental de mujeres haitianas migrantes en Santiago de Chile: un estudio cualitativo
(2022-07-29)El estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer las experiencias de maternidad de mujeres haitianas, indagando en los factores que facilitan o dificultan el cuidado de la salud de sus hijos en Chile. Se realizó una investigación ... -
Matriz de seguimiento del desplazamiento (DTM) Ronda 3
(2018)La Matriz de Seguimiento del Desplazamiento (DTM), es una herramienta global de la OIM que captura, procesa y difunde información de las diferentes fases de la movilidad humana, de los lugares de desplazamiento y de las ... -
Mejora en el acceso a la atención en salud intercultural de migrantes residentes en las comunas de Valparaíso, Viña del Mar y Quillota, región de Valparaíso, Chile
(2022)Este documento es un reporte de sistematización enfocado en la implementación de las buenas prácticas. El gobierno de Chile ha venido desarrollando en los últimos años acciones encaminadas a mejorar el acceso a la atención ... -
Mental health of refugees and migrants: risk and protective factors and access to care
(2023-10-10)This is the fifth report of the Global Evidence Review on Health and Migration (GEHM) series. The publication focuses on the mental health needs of refugees and migrants by providing an overview of the available evidence ... -
Migración desde Venezuela a Colombia: impactos y estrategia de respuesta en el corto y mediano plazo
(2018)El presente análisis tiene como objetivo principal determinar los impactos sociales, sectoriales y económicos que la migración sostenida de personas desde Venezuela está teniendo en Colombia, particularmente en los principales ... -
Migración forzosa y derecho a la salud
(2021-06-15)La migración forzosa da lugar a numerosas cuestiones de salud y de derechos humanos para los desplazados, los países que los acogen y la comunidad internacional. Estas cuestiones incluyen el acceso limitado a los alimentos, ... -
Migración venezolana y salud mental. Hacia intervenciones para migrantes y comunidades de acogida
(2020)Los cambios en la salud mental pueden ser previos a la emergencia o acontecimiento traumático (pobreza, persecución, discriminación); otros podrían ser ocasionados por un evento (separación, desintegración familiar, aumento ... -
Migrant women and sexual and gender-based violence at the Colombia-Venezuela border: A qualitative study
(2020)This study was guided by the question of how humanitarian emergency preparedness and response initiatives within four cities at the Colombo-Venezuelan border are addressing SGBV. The goal of this research was threefold: ... -
Migrantes africanos indocumentados en México: Implicaciones para la salud pública
(2020-12-30)Existe poca información confiable sobre la cantidad de población africana indocumentada en México. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo cuantificar a los migrantes africanos indocumentados detenidos por las autoridades ... -
Migrantes frente al COVID-19 en Perú
(2020-04)Cerca de 1 millón de migrantes venezolanos residen en Perú, de los cuales una gran mayoría trabaja en el sector informal, no tiene afiliación a ningún seguro de salud y no cuenta con un estatus regular. Esta situación ... -
Migrants in Latin America: Disparities in Health Status and in Access to Healthcare
(2020-06-11)The large magnitude and sudden nature of recent migration flows in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) impose challenges to receiving countries’ health systems, which have to provide care to a larger ... -
Migrants in transit across Central America and the potential spread of chloroquine resistant malaria–a call for action
Human migration has shaped the distribution and patterns of infectious diseases transmission throughout history. Migration is one of the contributing factors that has played an important role in the dissemination of ... -
MIGRATION AND HEALTH IN THE AMERICAS: A Need and Service Assessment 2021-2023
(2024-11-27)The findings presented in this study ratify the pertinence of our vision and highlight the urgent need to scale up comprehensive healthcare services for migrants in the Americas. It also reveals that despite ongoing efforts, ... -
Migration and health research: past, present, and future
(2023-07-25)Global migration continues to rise at unprecedented rates. Migrants are an extremely heterogeneous group and face diverse health needs related to infectious diseases, sexual and reproductive health, non-communicable diseases, ... -
Migration and medical screening for tuberculosis
(2023-04-13)Vulnerable populations, such as migrants and refugees, have an increased risk of tuberculosis disease, especially in the first years after arrival in the host country. The presence of migrants and refugees in Brazil ... -
Migration crisis in Venezuela and its impact on HIV in other countries: the case of Colombia
(2019-03)Colombia is an example to discuss and enhance the message of the negative consequences of the massive migration from Venezuela and the impact on HIV in a near country. Using and analyzing data from the surveillance system ... -
Migration, Integration, and Diaspora Engagement in the Caribbean: A Policy Review
(2023-03)Migration has long been part of Caribbean nations reality. Often discussed in the context of emigration to North America and Europe, movements to and within the Caribbean are an equally important part of its history. In ... -
Missing Migrants Project Global Data Overview, January 2022 - December 2022
(2023-06-21)In 2022, IOM’s Missing Migrants Project documented the deaths of 6,876 people during migration worldwide, an increase compared to the 6,083 recorded in 2021 and the highest death toll recorded since 2016. In total, the ... -
Mixed Migration Review 2022 - Alternative ideas and solutions for contemporary mixed migration challenges
(2022-12-06)Across the world, we are seeing dangerous trends in mixed migration. These include increasingly high numbers of migrants who go missing or die along mixed migration routes, ongoing commodification of refugees and migrants, ...