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Now showing items 227-236 of 236
Vaccines for all? A rapid scoping review of COVID-19 vaccine access for Venezuelan migrants in Latin America
(2021-11-07)The entangled health and economic crises driven by COVID-19 have exacerbated the challenges faced by Venezuelan migrants. Given the growing number of Venezuelan migrants and vulnerability to COVID-19, this rapid scoping ... -
Venezuelan migrants in Colombia: COVID-19 and mental health
(2020-08)The mental health of Venezuelan migrants is compounded by the extreme hardships inside Venezuela, the resulting exodus, and the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Exposure to trauma, loss, and life changing ... -
Venezuelan Migration and the Border Health Crisis in Colombia and Brazil
(2019-08)Venezuela’s economic crisis has triggered mass migration; more than 3.4 million Venezuelans have fled to other countries in the region and beyond. An assessment mission to Cúcuta, in the Colombian border state of North ... -
Venezuelan refugees and migrants: awareness and information on COVID-19
(2020-06)This snapshot focuses on the level of awareness of COVID-19 among Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Colombia and Peru, and their access to information. It aims to contribute towards building a solid evidence base to ... -
Venezuelanos no Brasil: integração no mercado de trabalho e acesso a redes de proteção social
(2020)Se concentra na compreensão de como o terceiro ramo da estratégia – interiorização – tem contribuído para ampliar o acesso ao mercado de trabalho e à rede de proteção social aos venezuelanos queoptaram por ser em realocados ... -
Venezuelans in Brazil: integration with labour market and access to social safety nets
(2020)This note focuses on understanding the impact of the interiorization programme on the livelihoods and employment prospects of Venezuelans who have opted to relocate from Roraima state to other federal units between April ... -
Visibilizando a los Migrantes Revisión de la información sobre migrantes en censos y encuestas de hogares en América Latina y el Caribe
(2022-09)Este documento busca dar una posible respuesta a la pregunta respecto a ¿qué cobertura de información sobre migrantes existe actualmente en las fuentes de estadística en la región por país. Para responder esto, se realizó ... -
Vulnerabilidad de la población migrante de México frente a la pandemia del COVID-19
(2020-12-15)La experiencia migratoria puede impactar las condiciones de salud de las personas migrantes, ya sea durante su desplazamiento, su estancia en el país de destino o cuándo retornan a su lugar de origen. En este sentido, el ... -
Vulnerabilidade e promoção da saúde de imigrantes haitianos: reflexões pela práxis dialógica de Paulo Freire
(2021-06-18)Objective: To understand the perceptions of Haitian immigrants about the possibilities to promote health, in the face of the vulnerabilities they experience. Method: This is a qualitative, participatory action study, based ... -
World report on the health of refugees and migrants
(2022-07-20)Worldwide, more people are on the move now than ever before, yet many refugees and migrants face poorer health outcomes than the host populations. Addressing their health needs is, therefore, a global health priority and ...